About Us



PT Sebuku Tanjung Coal is a coal mining company with a Mining Business Permit

Production Operation Stage based on the Kotabaru Regent Decree No. 545/63 / IUPOP / D.PE / 2010,

dated July 7, 2010 with an area of 8,990.38 Ha located in the District of Pulau Laut Utara and Central Sea Island, Kotabaru Regency.


PT Sebuku Tanjung Coal has built infrastructure for hauling roads, offices and mess,

which is currently going to coal mining activities which include excavation, stockpiling and sales coal in 2020.


PT Sebuku Tanjung Coal will carry out shipping and port management activities

together with its affiliated company PT Sebuku Batubai Coal as the holder of the Location Permit

Terminal for Own Interest Number SK 188.45 / 347 / Kum / 2011, dated October 10, 2011.


PT Sebuku Tanjung Coal together with its affiliated companies are always conducting activities

management and monitoring of the environment, health and safety at mining as well

development and empowerment of communities around mining sites.






PT Sebuku Batubai Coal is a coal mining company with a Production Operation Stage Mining Business Permit based on the Decree of the Kotabaru Regent No. 545/62 / IUPOP / D.PE / 2010, dated 7 July 2010 with an area of  5,140.89 hectares, located in Pulau Laut Utara and Pulau Laut Tengah Districts, Kotabaru Regency.

PT Sebuku Batubai Coal has built infrastructure for hauling roads, offices and messes, which will currently carry out coal mining activities which include coal excavation, stockpiling and sales in 2020.

PT Sebuku Batubai Coal in carrying out shipping and managing coal ports also has a Terminal Location Permit for Own Interest Number SK 188.45 / 347 / Kum / 2011, dated October 10, 2011. which is shared with its affiliated companies.

PT Sebuku Batubai Coal together with its affiliated companies always carry out environmental management and monitoring activities, mining occupational health and safety as well as development and empowerment of communities around mining sites.